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Kenny's rule of thumb is always keep your belts tight, be in the proper seating position, and relax your hands on the steering wheel. You don't need to have your hands at "10 and 2" as they taught you in driver's education. You need to have your hands in an appropriate position that's much lower on the steering wheel, and much less fatiguing.
Kenny gives a basic overview of how to prepare for your next track day and the most important things to consider before you leave the garage.
Kenny provides a great overview of the types of safety equipment you should consider using on track. This applies to all drivers, all cars, and all types of performance driving. Whether your flavor is autocross, drag race, or open track, safety is an important part of driving.
Kenny knows the importance of a proper fitting racing helmet and shares some thoughts on what to look for when purchasing a new helmet.
Kenny always preaches how important data is, and how important keeping good notes are. When you are at the track, you're recording tire, shock, alignment, and a host of other data. Having a good notebook will help with the future car set up when you go back to the same track.